The Most Dangerous Story Ever Told: Environmental Collapse, Progress, and Human Destiny

As time goes on, more and more of my daily news feed consists of reports of ecological collapse: fires, hurricanes, floods, droughts. It’s increasingly easy to believe the earth is telling us to leave. It’s increasingly tempting to believe that there might be hope among the stars. But this is just an extension of the pipe dream of progress which has brought us to this place.

Free Webinar this Sunday (5/3): “Finding Meaning in the Dark: A Post-Doom Big Picture” by Michael Dowd

Please invite your friends! There will be two amazing presentations by Rev. Michael Dowd this Sunday (May 3). Michael is bestselling eco-theologian and speaker whose work has been featured on TEDx, the New York Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. Michael will be speaking about living meaningfully, compassionately, and courageously in the face of climate disruption, ecological loss, and societal upset.